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(Organization for Marine Conservation, Awareness and Research)
Palk Bay Centre
Connecting People for Conservation
Mangroves Backyard Nurseries developed in quarter of 2021, becomes mangrove seedlings in January 2022
1200 Rhizopora apiculata and Avicennia marina seedlings were transported from OMCAR PBC to Sambaipattinam Coastal village and planted. The mangrove seedlings were grown in backyard nurseries of Kollukkadu and coastal villages
15th year of mangrove plantation efforts in Thanjavur district coastal areas by OMCAR Foundation. fisher women planting mangrove seedlings in Sambaipattinam coastal village in January 2022
Mangrove Restoration in Palk Bay
Replication Of Mangrove Restoration Through Sustainable Livelihood and Participatory Approach -2021
Mangrove Restoration Meeting in Coastal Village-2021
Replication Of Mangrove Restoration Through Sustainable Livelihood and Participatory Approach -2021
Mangrove Restoration Meeting in Coastal Village-2021
Community Mangrove Plantation - January 2020
Mangrove Reforestation - 2019
Capacity for Mangrove Restoration Meeting in Coastal Villages-2018
Mangrove Nursery in our Center at Velivayal
Mangrove Plantation -2013
Mangrove Plantation in Keezhathottam
sapling plantation
Remove sapling from pockets
Taken to site
organising Pokets with seeds
Seed inoculation
Pocket Preparation
Mangrove Plantation in Keezhathottam
Planted saplings
Planted saplings
Sapling Plantation
Sapling Plantation
Transported to site
Transported to site
unload to site
unload to site
seeds into saplings
seeds into saplings
Gathering of seed pockets
Gathering of seed pockets
Pockets with seeds
Pockets with seeds
Pocket preparation for seeds
Pocket preparation for seeds
Collected Seeds
Collected Seeds
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